Get Involved

Do you do pain or health disparities related research? We’d like to connect with you.

Researchers can get involved in the Partners4Pain Project by joining our P4P Researcher Network. 

Ways to participate:

  • Share the Partners4Pain IRB approved recruitment materials with potential study participants
  • Raise awareness  
  • Attend Partners4Pain Events to learn more about the project
  • Stay in touch with the project by signing up for our newsletter


  • Connect with other researchers with similar interests
  • Learn more about community engaged pain related research
  • Share information about your IRB approved research for distribution through Partners4Pain communication channels

P4P Research Network Studies


Spinal Manipulation and Patient Self-Management for Preventing Acute to Chronic Back Pain (PACBACK) Study.

If you would like to learn more, click the button below or call 612-626-6477 or email